Liposuction Surgery in Turkey

During a person’s natural physical development, the number of fat cells in the body increases proportionally. Once development has come to an end, the number of fact cells remain constant though their volume can increase and this results in weight gain on the body mass index.

Fat removal involved the suction of excess fat out of the body through special canals, or absorption through the use of specially prepared injections. Excess fat is comfortable and safely removed with this method.

Today, new methods that are more comfortable for the patient requiring minimal surgical intervention are replacing classic liposuction. Now, laser liposuction represents a leap forward as it uses different, more advanced technology than vacuuming. First, the area to undergo liposuction is marked by a specialist doctor with a special marker and the target is determined. Once the area has been identified, the procedure begins with the laser.

Liposuction is the removal of fat from specific areas of the body using large canals. This method unfortunately results in gaps in the skin and contour problems. It is for this reason that Laser Lipolysis (SlimLipo) is used in our hospitals and medical centres instead of classic liposuction.

Using laser energy has been shown to stop the normal functioning of fat cells and break them up. Moreover, results show that the laser’s energy stimulates the dermis and encourages collagen and elastic fibre production.

Reasons to Have Laser Lipolysis Fat Removal Surgery

Laser lipolysis (SlimLipo) is a very effective way of removing stubborn areas of fat (and fat cells) that remain despite dieting and exercise. More than removing fat, the basic principle of the procedure is the removal of fat cells. Moreover, the procedure also stimulates the production of collagen, which obtains a more taught and youthful appearance.

Laser Lipolysis (SlimLipo) is used for 3 main purposes:

  • Removing regional fat to reshape the body
  • Tauten loose skin
  • Used on the arm pits to prevent sweating.

Age Range

Candidates must be in good health. Laser lipolysis is not a solution for weight loss in cases of obesity. It is used to remove pockets of fat that build up in certain areas of the body and disrupt the natural flow of the body in order to create more flowing body contours and a more proportional appearance, not for general weight loss.

One of the criteria of the ideal candidate is the skin’s characteristics. The younger the candidate, the better the results. It is usually necessary to undergo a tightening procedure on candidates who have poor skin elasticity after removing excess skin.

Type of Anesthesia and Length of Procedure

The operation is carried out in an operating theatre under either local or general anaesthetic, depending on the area of the body operated on. The length of the procedure depends on the number and size of the areas operated on.

Recovery Period

At the end of the procedure, the areas operated on are bandaged and this bandaging remains in place for 4-5 days. The first dressing change is usually made on the 3rd day. At first, there may be an amount of bruising and swelling, but they will reduce quickly of their own accord. On average, you can return to work 3-7 days after the operation depending on the number and size of the areas operated on. It is necessary to wait 3 months to see the full results of the procedure.

Things to Pay Attention to Post-Surgery

  • Avoid sports and intense physical activity for 3-4 weeks following laser lipolysis.
  • You have to wear compression bandaging and the corset provided by the doctor for the specified period of time to allow your skin time to adapt to its new smoothness.
  • Patients are advised to avoid salt, sugar and oils/fats while having a protein-based diet and drinking plenty of water after the operation to help reduce swelling more quickly.
  • As with every method, it is possible to regain fat in the area operated on. It is impossible for the removed fat cells to be replaced by the body, but the remaining fat cells can increase in volume should the patient consume more calories than necessary. Patients are advised to exercise and to reduce food consumption to maintain the results of the procedure.
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