Breast Uplift Services in Turkey

Breast Uplift

Breast uplift operations are performed to return breasts, despite there not being any issue with size, to their former shape caused by pregnancy and birth, gaining and losing weight or aging. Breast lifts are one of the most sought-after aesthetic operations among women.

Sometimes, however, breast lifts are themselves not enough for breasts to attain their normal dimensions. If thought to be the case, breast implants can be added during the breast lift operation to attain the desired results.

Reasons to Have a Breast Uplift

There are many reasons that cause breasts to sag. With advancing age, the skin loses its elasticity and the symptoms of this, sagging skin over the whole body, are most readily visible on breasts. When issues and events such as hormonal changes, genetics, pregnancy, breastfeeding, gravity and weight loss/gain are added, the degree of sagging increases. Breast lifts are carried out to reduce the degree of sagging or eliminate sagging entirely.

Things to Pay Attention to Pre-Surgery

A breast examination must happen before the operation. In cases of increased risk or patients of age 40 and above, the breasts are evaluated with the aid of ultrasonography and mamograpies to decide on the operation. Stopping smoking before the operation will help to ensure a quicker and problem-free recovery. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory medication should not be taken from 2-3 weeks before the operation. Regularly taken herbal medication or herbal supplements must not be taken before the operation.

Surgical Methods

The method to be used for the breast lift operation is dependent on which is the best for each individual patient and is decided upon taking into account the amount of sagging, the skin’s elasticity and whether there has been any volume loss. The type of incision to be made could be around the edge of the breasts, vertically from top to bottom or in a T shape, depending on the degree of deformation.

Type of Anesthetic and Length of Procedure

Breast lift operations are performed under general anesthetic and last approximately 3 hours. Patients are usually discharged on the same or following day. Stiches are removed 10-12 days following the operation. Patients can return to their daily routines and social lives a few days after the operation wearing a sports or elastic bra recommended by their doctor.

Recovery Period

There may be pain when moving your arms after the operation if a silicone breast implant too is implanted during the breast lift. Strong painkillers and muscle relaxants are used in such circumstances. Scarring of different sizes and in different places may occur depending on the degree of sagging and the surgical method used. The breasts will reach their ideal shape in 3-4 months.

Type of Anesthetic and Length of Procedure

The ability to breastfeed is unaffected as the nipples and chute channels are not touched.

Avoid lifting or pushing heavy objects for 3-4 weeks.

Sexual relations and intense sports / exercise should be avoided for 1 week / 1 month respectively.

Regularly wear your doctor’s recommended sports bra for support.

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